Keep The Rats Away this Spooky Season!

Halloween is right around the corner, which means fall festivities, trick or treating, and satisfying your sweet tooth! However, with these fun parties and celebrations, there are things to avoid. For example, some unwanted visitors may make an appearance! Nothing can spook a fun halloween party like a rat! With the lower temperatures, rats may look for shelter in areas around your home, which could lead to a fright! Don’t be too frightened though, there are ways to prevent this from happening.
Disease is something that goes hand in hand with rats, making it even more essential to prevent infestations. In addition, they can infect both humans and pets, so it is important to take measures in order to protect everyone in your home. Rats can be discouraged from setting up shop this fall by simply being denied food and shelter.
One popular fall activity is bonfires, which means piles of firewood being stored. However, this could attract rats to the area. It is important to store firewood away from the side of sheds and to keep piles off the ground. Furthermore, try to look for holes around your home where rats could easily get in. Sealing these holes makes a huge difference in preventing rat infestations. The harder it is for rats to get in, the lower the chances of their unwanted arrival. When storing pet food or compost, it is helpful to keep these in safe areas away from where rats could chew through. For example, try to keep these items in airtight containers, or off the ground. Be regular about taking out trash, or leaving organic material in an area for long periods of time.
A large part of prevention of infestation is looking out for the signs of a rat being around your property. You can be on the lookout for droppings, added debris or leftover food, greasy trails, damage from gnawing, noises or squeaks, burrow holes, or pets being more active/excitable than usual. It is essential to call a professional once these signs appear, in order to prevent an unwanted visitor expanding to an infestation. At Envirocare, we can take care of your issue without harmful chemicals, giving you peace of mind. That way you can enjoy the change in season and spooky activities with your pets and family stress-free. By taking these preventative measures and looking for warning signs, the only thing giving you a fright this fall are costumes and movies!