End the Trail! Keep Ants Out of Your Home and Kitchen

As the excitement of summer rolls around, and warm weather approaches, there are a lot of things to expect and be excited for. One common occurrence is the several insects that begin to appear around your backyard or porch. A common visitor being ants! Often times, these ants find a way into our homes, and can become quite the headache if infestation occurs. However, there here is the good news; they are preventable! There are things that you can do on a daily basis that can decrease your chance of producing an ant infestation in your home!
- In the kitchen, be vigilant about wiping down surfaces. Try to remove any leftover food or drink particles, paying special attention to countertops or hidden surfaces where food could collect. Leftover food will attract ants, and lead them to forming a trail toward the food source.
- Take care of leftovers. Store any leftover food or sweets in tightly sealed bags or containers. Ants eat a large variety of foods, but are particularly attracted to sugary foods. Ants can detect the smell of food up to 5.9 meters away, so it is important that leftover food is put away properly to deter any ants from trying to enter your home.
- If food is detected, ants will try and find a way into your home or kitchen. A way to prevent this is to ensure that any cracks or holes to the outside of your home is sealed. Pay attention to areas around doors or windows. This will help keep your home secure and prevent any unwarranted visitors.
- Before you break out the hot dogs and s’mores for bonfire season, ensure that you don’t have any large piles of food laying around outside your home. Try to keep any areas around your home clear, since the wood can attract ants, and they can use the wood as a path into your home.
- Take out the trash regularly. Trash can contain leftover food, syrups, or sweets that can attract ants. Especially if you are aware that you will be gone for a period of time, remember to remove all trash so that you don’t come back to the headache of an ant infestation.
An ant infestation is definitely not fun, but by following these guidelines you can protect your home! What attracts one ant, attracts many, so it is important to take preventative measures and act quickly. However, if these preventative measures fail, calling a professional like Envirocare can remove the issue efficiently! This way you can enjoy your summer and the warm weather headache free!